Alat laboratorium umum
Equipment Description
Sotax MPS Media Preparation Station
The SOTAX MPS Media Preparation Station preheats and degasses dissolution media as well as fast and accurate filling.
Preparation batches 10 or 20 litres, switchable
Preparation time approx. 1 L/min
Dosing capacity = 2000 ml/min
Degassing capacity = 60% oxygen saturation
Temperature range 30–40 ºC
Preparation time 10/20 min
Medium feed rate 2000 ml/min
Dosing accuracy 50–80 ml +/-0.8 ml
80–1000 ml +/-1%
Vacuum 0.2 bar
Connecting hoses for: Medium supply-8/10 dia, cleaning water-3/4", waste 8/10-dia.
Supplied with Epson M119D printer s/n AY2G028733 and transformer for dosing log print outs.
With Sartorius M-Power 4100g balance